InstructorAkhona Mlilo
TypeOnline Course
Student Enrolled4
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Blasting in mining is a chemical and physical process that occurs through the firing of explosives. It breaks mineral-bearing materials. These materials can be coal, ore and mineral stone. Blasting fragments materials, splits off rock blocks, and demolishes existing structures.
The process of blasting goes through blast design prior any blasting operation. The design of a blast operation includes:
 Layout of the blasthole pattern
 Selection of explosives
 Decking
 Delay times
 Initiation pattern
 Stemming
 Necessary safety measures
Explosives placing occur in different parts. It can be in drill holes of the rock mass or may be locate on the surface of the rock mass. Effective blasting also depends on location of the explosives.

In this course, we have covered topics on various measures that ensure blasting safety.

Duration of the course: 2 weeks

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